The Ashland-Bayfield County Racing Association is making a concentrated effort to make our facility as clean and safe as possible during the current viral pandemic. We ask your cooperation by taking the following extra precautions to help minimize the spread of this highly contagious disease while at the track:
• Please use the hand-sanitizing stations located throughout the Raceway grounds as often as possible
• Please wash your hands frequently, using warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds
• We encourage you to observe social distancing guidelines, using the six-foot-apart rule as much as possible, sitting at least a row apart in the bleachers, and keeping social congestion in all areas of the Raceway to an absolute minimum
• Please observe the re-designed accesses for our concession areas, using the six-foot distancing marks on the ground as guidelines, and being mindful of the specific ordering and pick-up locations
• We encourage you to purchase tickets for upcoming race programs online, using the My Race Pass website, to minimize the handling of currency by you and our staff
• We encourage you to purchase beverages from our vending machines whenever possible
• Face masks are not required but are recommended for use
• Our Raceway staff will perform frequent cleaning and sanitizing routines of the facility to help minimize viral infection
We hope that you will cooperate with the ABC Raceway in our efforts to protect you, your fellow race fans, the drivers and crews, our Raceway working staff, and our local communities against the spread of the coronavirus – thank you very much for your cooperation!

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